Fruitful Homemaker

Introduction – What is the Fruitful Homemaker?

Emily Drew

A Podcast About Homemaking to the Glory of God 

On this podcast, my goal is to get back to “what is good” according to God in Titus chapter 2. Listen to interviews from older women in the church as to what it means to be a woman, wife, mother, and follower of Christ.

About the Host:

My name is Emily Drew and I have been saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. I am a wife and mother to 3 young children. We are members of a Reformed Church in Arkansas.

It has been a great blessing being mentored and built up by older women in the church. I have a burden for younger women, who like I did, struggle with what it means to be a godly woman. This podcast, where I interview older women in the faith, is meant to be an encouragement and resource for women having to un-learn what the world teaches and walk in step with God’s will for their lives.

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